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Annual Review


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Available for purchase, the 2023 Annual Review provides a summary of US South Stumpage and Delivered Timber Prices, Chip Prices, Timberland Transactions, Mill Openings & Closings and Forest Product Market Conditions.

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Local custom stumpage market reports provide historical TMS pricing data for customer defined areas not restricted to TMS Regions or state boundaries.

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Local custom stumpage market reports provide historical TMS pricing data for customer defined areas not restricted to TMS Regions or state boundaries.

Quarterly Timber Market News

Quarterly Market News ›

Providing coverage of timber industry news across the southeast and internationally including timberland transactions, mill openings & closings and carbon markets.

Quarterly Market News

Quarterly Price Reports ›

Stumpage and delivered price reports in the US South as well as biomass and logging rates.

Historical Data ›

Historical data for most products going back to 1976 and reported quarterly in prices per ton.


A TMS report provides information to aid in timber harvest decisions, establishing a timber basis, better understanding timber markets.

Check out our the Resources page for a map of the TMS region coverage area. Products and specifications can be found in the following file.

We recommend hiring a consulting forester in your area before harvesting timber. For stumpage pricing information, you may want one of the following:
  1. A single-state quarterly report (sample)
  2. A south-wide quarterly summary report (sample)
We recommend hiring a consulting forester or tax professional to help with establishing a timber basis. For historical stumpage pricing information, you may want an archive single-state quarterly report (sample).

Subscribe to:

  1. A Market News Quarterly subscription (sample)
  2. One or more single state report subscription(s) (sample)
  3. Logging Rates and Additional Species report (sample)

 Call the main office at 706-247-7660 or email tmart@timbermart-south.com for pricing on data packages and/or custom data series. Click here for a list of products and TMS regions.

TimberMart-South (TMS) collects market data from a broad cross section of the timber industry. Our reporters, both companies and individuals, are actively engaged in the day-to-day operation of selling and buying timber on the stump and delivering to yards and mills. From these reports, over each quarter, these data are sorted and tabulated to arrive at a grouping of price ranges, low and high. From these groupings, a simple average is obtained for each state, area, and product.

TMS publishes data gathered with diligence and from sources considered reliable. We gather and publish information as it exists and do not attempt to set or influence prices. Specific markets, because of variations in field work and time element, sometimes result in prices which are somewhat lower or higher than those published.

These are not absolute lows or highs; but an average of lows and average of highs.

Be aware that prices vary greatly depending on many factors and a reported price does not reflect the only price at which an item has been sold.